Rule Engine
The Rule Engine Page manages rules within the system.
Add New Rule
To add a new rule, follow these steps:
- On the Rule Engine Page, click the "Add Rule" button.
- Fill in the required information:
- Add Rule Name, Trigger Type.
- Choose to either activate the rule or not.
- Click the "Trigger Addition" button.
- Add conditions by providing Condition Name, Condition Type, and Condition Metadata.
- Add actions by providing Action Name, Action Type, and Action Metadata.
- Click the "Save" button to register the new rule.
Edit Rule
To edit an existing rule, follow these steps:
- On the Rule Engine Page, locate the rule you want to edit.
- Click the clickable Rule Id link associated with the rule.
- You will be redirected to the Rule Editor page.
- Make the desired changes:
- Change Name, Trigger Type by clicking on the Trigger section.
- Change Condition Name, Condition Type, Condition Metadata by clicking on the Condition section.
- Change Action Name, Action Type, Action Metadata by clicking on the Action section.
- Click the "Save" button to save the changes.
- Active Rule create transaction log when executed.
- Each transaction log has the following details:
- Transaction Log ID.
- Description: Either 'Completed sucsseful' or the list of actions that failed.
- Rule Fiered: Indating that all actions were executed.
- Fired On: The date and time of execution
Rule engine conditions
Item Category:
ConditionType | Description |
LocationChangedFrom | Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied |
LocationChangedTo | Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied |
ChangedFromHierarchy | Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied |
ChangedToHierarchy | Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied |
StatusChangedTo | Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied |
StatusChangedFrom | Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied |
AssignedToChanged | Condition if the item assignment change condition is satisfied |
ItemMetadataChanged | Condition if the item metadata change condition is satisfied |
ItemTypeEqualTo | Condition if the item type condition is satisfied |
StatusEqualTo | Condition if the status condition is satisfied |
LocationEqualTo | Condition if the location condition is satisfied |
UsesEqualTo | Condition if the item uses condition is satisfied |
AssignedTo | Condition if the item assignment condition is satisfied |
LastSeenGreaterThan | Condition if the item's last seen date is older than the specified minutes |
LastSeenSmallerThan | Condition if the item's last seen date is newer than the specified minutes |
TimeInGreaterThan | Condition if the time seen in the specified minutes |
StatusChangedGreaterThan | Condition if item status changed over a specified period |
ItemCreatedAfter | Condition if item was created over a specified period |
ItemConditionValueLessThan | Condition if the value of a condition in the condition log is less than a value |
ItemConditionValueGreaterThan | Condition if the value of a condition in the condition log is greater than a value |
ItemConditionValueEqualTo | Condition if the value of a condition in the condition log is equal to a value |
ItemMetadataEqualTo | Condition if the value of item metadata is equal to a value |
ItemMetadataLessThan | Condition if the value of item metadata is less than a value |
ItemMetadataGreaterThan | Condition if the value of item metadata is greater than a value |
ItemMetadataDateAfter | Condition if the value of item metadata is greater than a value |
ItemMetadataDateBefore | Condition if the value of item metadata is greater than a value |
TaskOlderThan | Condition if a task has been open for longer than a specific amount of days |
Device Category:
ConditionType | Description |
DeviceOffline | Condition if the Device's last seen date is newer than the specified minutes |
OfflineLessThan | Condition if the Device's last seen date is older than the specified minutes |
DeviceIdEqualTo | Condition if the DeviceId condition is satisfied |
DeviceTypeEqualTo | Condition if the Device type condition is satisfied |
Task Category:
ConditionType | Description |
FlowEquals | Condition if a specific task is submitted |
TaskLastDoneGreaterThan | Condition if the last time a task was done is older than a given time |
TaskConditionValueLessThan | Condition if the value of a condition in a task is less than a value |
TaskConditionValueGreaterThan | Condition if the value of a condition in a task is greater than a value |
TaskConditionValueEqualTo | Condition if the value of a condition in a task is equal to a value |
Rule Engine Actions
Item Category:
Action Type | Description |
ArchiveItemTransLog | Archive Item Transactions logs that are older than a specified date |
ChangeItemStatus | Changes the status of an item |
ChangeLocation | Change location of an item |
SignalTowerRestItem | Signal tower REST API integration with item details |
ImportOAuth2MicrosoftDynamicsItems | Import Items from Microsoft Dynamics using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate |
IncrementUses | Increments Uses every time an item is used |
CreateAlert | Creates an Alert |
MqttTagAlert | Creates Mqtt Tag Alert |
EmailNotification | Sends an email notification on item change |
ItemEmailToOrganization | Sends an email notification on item change to all users in the items organization and the organizations above it |
AssignedToEmail | Sends an email notification when item is assigned |
AssignedFromEmail | Sends an email notification when item is unassigned |
UpdateDescription | Update the description of an item based on values of specific metadata fields |
UpdateMetadataFields | Update metadata fields of an item |
SetMetadataDate | Update metadata fields of an item |
CreateItemInspection | Create an item inspection task based on a schedule |
CreateItemInventoryTask | Create an item Inventory task based on a schedule or task submission |
CancelTask | Cancel a task |
Vehicle Category:
Action Type | Description |
ArchiveVehicleEvents | Archive Vehicle events that are older than a specified date |
Users Category:
Action Type | Description |
SyncLdapUsers | Sync Ldap users with Traxsense |
Device Category:
Action Type | Description |
DeviceEmail | Send an email notification about device state |
DeviceEmailToOrganization | Send an email notification about device state to the devices organization and the organizations above it |
Incident Category:
Action Type | Description |
ClearIncident | Clear an incident |
Report Category:
Action Type | Description |
AutomatedReport | Sends email of Automated Report |
Task Category:
Action Type | Description |
TaskItemStatusChange | Change status of items from the task |
CreatePickingTask | Create a picking task based on the scanned items |
CreateItemInventoryTask | Create an item Inventory task based on a schedule or task submission |
CancelTask | Cancel a task |