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Rule Engine

The Rule Engine Page manages rules within the system.

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Add New Rule

To add a new rule, follow these steps:

  1. On the Rule Engine Page, click the "Add Rule" button.
  2. Fill in the required information:
  3. Add Rule Name, Trigger Type.
  4. Click the "Trigger Addition" button.
  5. Add conditions by providing Condition Name, Condition Type, and Condition Metadata.
  6. Add actions by providing Action Name, Action Type, and Action Metadata.
  7. Click the "Save" button to register the new rule.

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Edit Rule

To edit an existing rule, follow these steps:

  1. On the Rule Engine Page, locate the rule you want to edit.
  2. Click the clickable Rule Id link associated with the rule.
  3. You will be redirected to the Rule Editor page.
  4. Make the desired changes:
  5. Change Name, Trigger Type by clicking on the Trigger section.
  6. Change Condition Name, Condition Type, Condition Metadata by clicking on the Condition section.
  7. Change Action Name, Action Type, Action Metadata by clicking on the Action section.
  8. Click the "Save" button to save the changes.

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Rule engine conditions

Item Category:

ConditionType Description
LocationChangedFrom Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied
LocationChangedTo Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied
ChangedFromHierarchy Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied
ChangedToHierarchy Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied
StatusChangedTo Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied
StatusChangedFrom Condition if the item movement condition is satisfied
AssignedToChanged Condition if the item assignment change condition is satisfied
ItemMetadataChanged Condition if the item metadata change condition is satisfied
ItemTypeEqualTo Condition if the item type condition is satisfied
StatusEqualTo Condition if the status condition is satisfied
LocationEqualTo Condition if the location condition is satisfied
UsesEqualTo Condition if the item uses condition is satisfied
AssignedTo Condition if the item assignment condition is satisfied
LastSeenGreaterThan Condition if the item's last seen date is older than the specified minutes
LastSeenSmallerThan Condition if the item's last seen date is newer than the specified minutes
TimeInGreaterThan Condition if the time seen in the specified minutes
StatusChangedGreaterThan Condition if item status changed over a specified period
ItemCreatedAfter Condition if item was created over a specified period
ItemConditionValueLessThan Condition if the value of a condition in the condition log is less than a value
ItemConditionValueGreaterThan Condition if the value of a condition in the condition log is greater than a value
ItemConditionValueEqualTo Condition if the value of a condition in the condition log is equal to a value
ItemMetadataEqualTo Condition if the value of item metadata is equal to a value
ItemMetadataLessThan Condition if the value of item metadata is less than a value
ItemMetadataGreaterThan Condition if the value of item metadata is greater than a value
ItemMetadataDateAfter Condition if the value of item metadata is greater than a value
ItemMetadataDateBefore Condition if the value of item metadata is greater than a value
TaskOlderThan Condition if a task has been open for longer than a specific amount of days

Device Category:

ConditionType Description
DeviceOffline Condition if the Device's last seen date is newer than the specified minutes
OfflineLessThan Condition if the Device's last seen date is older than the specified minutes
DeviceIdEqualTo Condition if the DeviceId condition is satisfied
DeviceTypeEqualTo Condition if the Device type condition is satisfied

Task Category:

ConditionType Description
FlowEquals Condition if a specific task is submitted
TaskLastDoneGreaterThan Condition if the last time a task was done is older than a given time
TaskConditionValueLessThan Condition if the value of a condition in a task is less than a value
TaskConditionValueGreaterThan Condition if the value of a condition in a task is greater than a value
TaskConditionValueEqualTo Condition if the value of a condition in a task is equal to a value

Rule Engine Actions

Item Category:

Action Type Description
ArchiveItemTransLog Archive Item Transactions logs that are older than a specified date
ChangeItemStatus Changes the status of an item
ChangeLocation Change location of an item
SignalTowerRestItem Signal tower REST API integration with item details
ImportOAuth2MicrosoftDynamicsItems Import Items from Microsoft Dynamics using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate
IncrementUses Increments Uses every time an item is used
CreateAlert Creates an Alert
MqttTagAlert Creates Mqtt Tag Alert
EmailNotification Sends an email notification on item change
ItemEmailToOrganization Sends an email notification on item change to all users in the items organization and the organizations above it
AssignedToEmail Sends an email notification when item is assigned
AssignedFromEmail Sends an email notification when item is unassigned
UpdateDescription Update the description of an item based on values of specific metadata fields
UpdateMetadataFields Update metadata fields of an item
SetMetadataDate Update metadata fields of an item
CreateItemInspection Create an item inspection task based on a schedule
CreateItemInventoryTask Create an item Inventory task based on a schedule or task submission
CancelTask Cancel a task

Vehicle Category:

Action Type Description
ArchiveVehicleEvents Archive Vehicle events that are older than a specified date

Users Category:

Action Type Description
SyncLdapUsers Sync Ldap users with Traxsense

Device Category:

Action Type Description
DeviceEmail Send an email notification about device state
DeviceEmailToOrganization Send an email notification about device state to the devices organization and the organizations above it

Incident Category:

Action Type Description
ClearIncident Clear an incident

Report Category:

Action Type Description
AutomatedReport Sends email of Automated Report

Task Category:

Action Type Description
TaskItemStatusChange Change status of items from the task
CreatePickingTask Create a picking task based on the scanned items
CreateItemInventoryTask Create an item Inventory task based on a schedule or task submission
CancelTask Cancel a task